Moving In With Your Partner

Photo courtesy of Redfin

Photo courtesy of Redfin

It feels like everyone’s moving these days and so am I. My husband and I just bought a home of our own in Hamilton so we’ll be making the move this summer just in time to enjoy having a back yard! By complete chance, Redfin reached out shortly after we signed the necessary documents to ask me if I had any tips on moving in with a significant other. Although this isn’t our first time living together (we’ve been at it for about six years now), I’ve definitely been thinking about how we can better enjoy our space together in our next home.

What with the pandemic, I’ve been big on reflecting on how to make my home life better. It’s pretty much the only life I’ve got these days. This one tip has been big for me, and I think it’s relevant for anyone who is sharing a space, whether that’s with a partner or a family member/roommate:

Make your life easy and invest in laundry baskets that are easy to transport and easy to actually use. Don’t get into a situation where one of you leaves clothing strewn everywhere. Have an accessible place to put your dirty clothing. As a bonus, consider having separate hampers for different washing needs.

The piece has plenty more ideas on how to share space, from nice things like getting a piece of art that feels significant to both of you to ones that maybe feel a bit more luxe to me, like having two living rooms. That might not be relevant to many among us.

I’ll update here when we actually move. I’ve loved my time in Toronto and I’m sure I’ll be back lots (at least once the pandemic allows) but my meetings in Hamilton since expanding Friend of a Friend a few years back have been a wonderful introduction to a beautiful city.